White Papers

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Some subjects benefit from greater discussion than a 600 word blog allows – especially those which deal with key skills for lawyers.

Here’s a selection for you to enjoy

Business development as a process

Getting and keeping clients is not a black art, although many lawyers never really get to grips with it.

This White Paper explains the 7 Step Business Development Process to enable lawyers who are non-salespeople, sell. Once you understand business development as a process, you’ll always know what to do to get more clients.


Legal Project Management

Legal Project Management has two key benefits: it keeps clients happy and ensures that a firm makes a predictable profit.

This White Paper provides a brief overview of legal project management without the jargon.


Insights on understanding what makes people tick....

People are unique. But because we are predictably unique we give clues about how you should work with us if you want to build strong relationships.

This white paper explains how to recognise others’ behavioural style and adapt to them in a very practical way.


The law firm culture

Law firms are strange places, because lawyers are differently gifted – they really want to neither manage others nor be managed themselves.

This white paper argues that a law firm is an autistic organisation – a manifestation of the extreme male mind – and offers ways to deal with it.


Three ways to improve law firm business plans

Anybody who has worked with partners will have spotted that they are good at analysis; particularly verbal. Thus a typical partner’s marketing plan – whether centered on the practice or the individual, will have a large portion devoted to an analysis of the market and client profiles, which will rarely produce any new insight.


Talking to Clients about Money

Many firms have examples of good financial practice, but few have a standard methodology which captures best practice and makes it accessible to everybody. The aim of a “Talking Money” protocol is to take the best of what you do and establish a new work protocol which will provide your clients with the very best service at a fair price.
